Powerful Wordcraft.
Nature's Wisdom is a collection of short stories about animals, trials at sea, and the evolutionary journey of man and nature. It is a book for all ages. Based on my personal experiences, most of the stories were previously published in newspapers and magazines over the years. Also included is one poignant tale about a greyhound written by my late father, Daly Highleyman, and published in the 1930s. How would it feel to be on a small sailboat far from land in gale force winds or suddenly subjected to a micro-burst? What was it like to be up at the helm of a 165-foot concrete schooner and, looking down the steps, see water gushing into the cabin? Did Sweet William come back to say goodbye? How can a puppy found starving to death in the Virginia countryside become a master sailor? Explore and discover the answers to these questions and more in Nature's Wisdom.
Honorable Mention: Readers’ Favorite Review Book Award
Author: Patricia Daly-Lipe
Publisher: Literary Lady Publications, November 2020