During checkout, be sure to tell the authors to whom they should dedicate each Book

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Much like, every time a bell rings

an angel gets her wings, we believe that the gift of an indie gem has, not a single, but a three-fold effect:

“Every time an indie book is bought,
a reader gets a thrilling escape,
an author gets her literary miracle,
and a small business is blessed.”

WaterBearer Press supports emerging and established indie authors, with the understanding that our works fulfill a collective need to escape reality, while launching alternate perspectives into the universe. To that end, we offer an alternative and personalized outlet for authors to connect with their readers by presenting them with individually signed copies of their work.

To learn more about our growing Featured Lit and Indie Spotlight, please take a look at our Digital Consignment Agreement. If the program interests you, please fill out the form and email it to: info@waterbearerpress.com for evaluation. 

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Every day is book signing day!

We are delighted to keep our promise to readers: all of our titles ship direct from each author with a personal dedication. Don't forget to let them know, during checkout, to whom they should dedicate each book.

Feel free to browse through our catalogs, WBP Books and Featured Lit, and pick your escape!

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What Inspires Us

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.

Toni Morrison

I have always a sacred veneration
for any one I observe to be a little
out of repair in his person, as supposing him either a poet or a philosopher; because the richest minerals are ever found under the most ragged and withered surface of the earth.

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

Ignore all proffered rules and create your own, suitable for what you want to say.

Michael Moorcock

Acknowledging that our attitude is the only thing we can control should be our starting point each day.

Patricia Bossano

What lies behind you
and what lies in front of you,
pales in comparison to what lies
inside of you.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

How to be badass:
Be too positive to be doubtful,
too optimistic to be fearful,
too determined to be defeated.


If you don’t have time to read,
you don’t have the time
(or the tools) to write.
Simple as that.

Stephen King

The ear is the only true writer
and the only true reader.

Robert Frost

Better to write for yourself
and have no public, than to write
for the public and have no self. 

Cyril Connolly
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Our Founder and Managing Editor

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