Collection: Kevin Glenn
Kevin Glenn is a multi-instrument musician, songwriter, poet and writer from Atlanta, Georgia. He began writing at an early age, but after composing his first song at 13, he shifted to writing mostly poetry and lyrics for his hundreds of songs.
In his late teens he learned the art of music production in the recording studio and that resulted in a lifetime passion for recording. He formed several bands in his 20's and 30's and performed extensively in the Atlanta area for many years. He later retired from live performances to focus on music production in his home recording studio.
Kevin’s passion for music is behind all of his works, which include:
The Stars of Everywhere, Rope Swings and Summer Dreams, Silence of the Stars, Las Estrellas del Todo, and coming in 2021 Lemon Drops for Poppy, a dramatic sci-fi/adventure/romance set in the post WW3 year of 2046.
The songs that Kevin includes in his novels were written and recorded by him, and most of them can be enjoyed on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music and other music streaming services.
You can also find Kevin at: Twitter and Spotify.
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