"Experience this metaphysical adventure in Sedona, Arizona, through a candid journal complete with faery and nature spirit photos."
While photographing nature in their own backyards Cathy and Colleen first photographed orbs, then came nature spirits, and eventually, members of the faery realm revealed themselves in digital photographs.
Sedona, Arizona is well-known for its vortex and portal energies, and the twins’ exploration of those magical sites resulted in their first book. “Beyond the Veil of Sedona” is a candid guide on how to locate faeries, and where nature spirits can be found.
“Our hope is that humankind will appreciate nature and other life-forms that exist. Let us join together in a very magical and mystical way. We can live and prosper in harmony and gain a greater knowledge of kinship with all creation for future generations while protecting Mother Earth.”
Authors: Cathy & Colleen Carlson a.k.a. Cassandra and Celena Cloverleaf
Cover Art: Jessica Galbreth
Publisher: Sedona Nature Spirits Publishing