Author interview: Patricia Bossano
Tell us about the moment when you realized that you would write your first book.
PB: I set out to write a novella in 1996, shortly after my second child was born. My intent at the time wasn’t to produce a full-length novel, much less a trilogy, what I wanted was to write a story to entertain people in my family while indulging my love of writing.
The central plot of the ‘novella’ was the relationship between two girls, and their mothers.
Since the target audience was the new generation of girls in my family, I decided to place the two main characters in a magical realm and under circumstances that would test their bond and challenge their abilities. In a nutshell, that’s how Faery Sight came about.

What are the challenges a writer faces in their journey of writing a book?
PB: As writers, there are common challenges we all face, like procrastination, writer’s block, research, time management, inspiration or lack thereof, etc.
As a writer of philosophical fiction, I can share that my journey is fraught with layers of supernatural challenges as well, because I write to document my spiritual evolution and express it through the characters in my stories.
What is the most interesting part about your book, Faery Sight.
PB: It was my intention that Faery Sight should prompt an exploration of the magic around and inside of us—
I wanted to create a realistic fantasy so I magnified and fictionalized features of the natural world, like the full moon and its influence, what could lurk behind a waterfall, and people’s abilities to deal casually with a reality that includes magic, suggesting they ponder what might happen if they controlled the energy inside their body—harness their thoughts.
I wanted my family to grin and wonder if my story was true—it could be—I wanted them to secretly say to themselves, “I might be a faery!”
I hoped to encourage my readers to admit they could put their minds to something and achieve it—even if it was as simple as waking up, getting out of bed, and straightening the bed covers shortly after, because that is a display of faery power too, with infinite potential within the human dimension
Did you know that (according to the Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today and other publications) making your bed first thing in the morning is one of the traits of a successful individual? That seemingly insignificant deed is life-changing magic you can perform every day to bolster a winning attitude and achieve a faery state of mind.

How did you come up with the name Nahia and what’s the book about?
PB: The characters in my Faerie Legacy Series have regional names: French, Spanish or Basque because the chosen locale for the series is the Western Pyrenees, on the border between Spain and France. Down the mountain from the Faerie Realm—a couple of days’ journey, is the city of San Sebastián.
Nahia is book three in the series. She is the rebellious faery princess whose strengths and weaknesses lead her to change the genetic human footprint.
Her story fills in the 200-year gap between books 1 and 2. Nahia means ‘desire’ in the Basque language.

What are you planning to write in the near future?
PB: Continuing in a supernatural vein, my next project features another matriarchal clan but rather than faeries, this time, I’m exploring witches.
Daughters of the Bride is a philosophical fiction slated for publication on Mother’s Day 2020.
To recover from the unexpected death of their father, the ‘weird sisters’ cling to one another and to their widowed mother; the ‘head witch.’
However, no traditional mourning rituals await them, instead, the three women flex their powers and embark on a distressing journey of reflection; to know themselves and the mother they thought they knew.
Amid the hilarity brought on by the head witch’s disconcerting return to a youthful attitude, difficult questions will be asked.
Genetic memories must be acknowledged and banished. Painful feelings must be expressed, and life-altering decisions will be made because, at the end of their journey, the new reality must be embraced by all if the family bond is to be preserved.
Where are you from and how do you spend your time during weekends?
PB: I was born in the United States to Ecuadorian parents. They chose to return to Ecuador when I was about three years old, so I spent my formative years in South America, and then resumed my adult life in the U.S.
For the last three years I’ve been devoting my days to writing and self-publishing my work, which has completely redefined the traditional view of a work week for me. I do try to work mostly Monday through Friday and leave Saturday and Sunday for exploring my surroundings, movies, dining out, or getting together with family and friends.
Read original article HERE